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                  Location : Home> News>Company News

                  The Spring Festival holiday period of Shenzhen Height-LED

                  Click:[2210] Publish Time:2020-01-07

                        The Chinese traditional festival--Spring Festival, is approaching. To celebrate this important holiday, and for employees to 

                  return home as soon as possible to reunite with their families, the holiday arrangements for Shenzhen Height-LED are as follows:

                        The Spring Festival holiday period of our company is 13 days from January 19, 2020 (Sunday) to January 31, 2020 (Sunday). 

                  Official work starts on February 1 (Saturday). Thanks to our customers for their trust and support in the past year, and I hope 

                  that in the new year, we will continue to get everyone's attention. Height-LED will continue to provide you with quality services.

                        During the holiday, the company only accepts orders and cannot ship, and will arrange shipment as soon as possible after 

                  the holiday. If there's any inconvenience, please understand.