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                  About Us
                  Location : Home> About Us> company Culture

                  Companies adhere to the "people-oriented" concept of talent, think that employee is the greatest wealth, and strive to create a fair, justice, harmonious competition environment for the staff, provide vast development space for every talent, so as to realize the "respect for talent, talent cultivation, talent and talent development achievement" target"

                  1 respect for talent - mutual choice. Hite ned has the choice of your rights, you also have to choose the right Hite ned.

                  2 personnel training - age, experience is no longer the factors restricting you do you like work, internal quality, potential is more important.

                  3 the development of talent - to develop individual potential, let the workplace becomes you can play stage.

                  4 achievements talent - loyal to energy saving and environmental protection and for the sustainable development of all mankind all contribute is our company all staff should have quality.