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                  The advantages of uv led light curing system

                  Click:[1556] Publish Time:2017-12-09

                  UV LED system offer advanced capabilities, operating economics and environmental advantages. UV LED curing  system manufacturers allow to offer their users lower operating costs and longer-lasting solutions while enabling new capabilities and even reduced shipping and inventory storage due to the ability to print on thinner, heat-sensitive substrates.

                  Advanced Capabilities:

                  1.Heat-sensitives,thin substrates

                  2.Deep through curing

                  3.Smallcompact machine

                  4.Adjustable output intensity

                  5.Optional wavelength(365nm-405nm)

                  Operating economics:

                  1.Energy efficient

                  2.Long life time and low maintenance

                  3.Low temperaturer

                  4.No warm-up time, ready to use at any time

                  Environmental advantages:

                  1.No mercury

                  2.No ozon

                  3.No deep uv irradiation

                  4.Workplace safety