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                  Application and precautions of household UV disinfection and sterilization lamps

                  Click:[1639] Publish Time:2020-04-09

                      UV sterilization and disinfection lamps emit ultraviolet rays through lamps to destroy the DNA structure of bacteria and viruses,

                  so as to achieve the purpose of disinfection and disinfection. Height-LED household ultraviolet sterilization and disinfection lamp, 

                  mobile table lamp style, small and light, easy to move, easy to operate, can be used in living room, bathroom, bedroom, etc. Offices, 

                  classrooms, factories and other places can also be used frequently. When using ultraviolet disinfection lamp, should pay attention to 

                  the following aspects.

                                           uv germicidal lamp.jpg

                  1. The penetration ability of ultraviolet rays is weak, and can only spread along a straight line. Any paper, plastic, lead glass,will 

                     greatly reduce the irradiation intensity. Therefore, when sterilizing the surface of articles with ultraviolet rays, the sterilized 

                     parts should be fully irradiated with ultraviolet rays directly, and sufficient irradiation dose should be achieved.

                  2. During use, the lamp tube should be wiped regularly to keep the surface of the lamp tube clean, and wiped with an alcohol cotton 

                     ball once a week. If there is dust on the surface of the lamp tube, it should be wiped at any time when it is oily, so as not to 

                     affect the UV penetration rate and the irradiation intensity .

                                           uv germicidal lamp.jpg

                  3. When using ultraviolet disinfection lamps, the environment should be kept clean, and there should be no dust or water mist in the air. 

                     When the indoor temperature is below 20 degrees Celsius or the relative humidity exceeds 50%, the exposure time should be extended. 

                     After scrubbing the floor, the ultraviolet light should be disinfected after the floor is dry.

                  4. Do not use the ultraviolet lamp as a lighting lamp. The disinfection time is preferably 30 minutes to 1 hour. It is not recommended 

                     to turn on the ultraviolet lamp for a long time.

                  5. After disinfection, it should be ventilated for 30 minutes before entering.

                                           uv germicidal lamp.jpg

                  6. When using ultraviolet lamps for irradiation and disinfection, no one should be present, to avoid injuries caused by ultraviolet 

                     rays directly irradiating people's eyes and skin, and do not look directly at the lit lamp.

                  7. Do not put damaged or worn lamps next to people or throw them into places with water to avoid polluting the water source.